Tuesday 31 May 2016


During the early years of the 8th century A.D., men of Sind's Brahmin tyrant, Raja Dahirhad intercepted some Arab navigation from Ceylon. They had confiscated the merchandise and enslaved Muslim families. Ai-Hajjaj sent his son-in-law, Muhammad ibn al~Gasim, with an army consisting of 1000 horse and about the same number of camel-borne troops, altogether not more than 6000 Mujahideen. Young Muhammad was, however, a fine military commander and possessed high ability of fighting. He came by land capturing Mekran on the way and pushing through the already conquered Baluchistan. He attacked Debal, the capital of Raja Dahir's kingdom and crushed the enemy in 712. The Raja fled and Muslim families freed.

Muhammad ibn Al-Qasim then followed the Raja and came up with him near Nirun (now known as Hyderabad). The Raja had assembled a large army of 50,000 strong men to check the advance of Muhammad. Mujahideen defeated the enemy and the Raja fell in the battle. The whole Sind was now conquered but Muhammad did not stop there. He fought another battle at Brahmanabad, pushed upto lower Punjab and reached Multan. Here too he was victorious. His generous treatment and devotion won Mohammad ibn Al-Qasim the hearts of the locals. Thus Muhammad laid the foundation of Muslim Empire in sub-continent.

"Toleration, protection of life and goods with honourable terms in return for loyal submission is offered. If you want to accept Islam, you are to be treated as equals".


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