Tuesday 31 May 2016


Shahabuddin was a great warrior and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ghaurid forces. He wanted to win for his house large empire than even Mahmud had been able to acquire. He invaded India first in 1175 and conquered Multan. Then he reached south to Uch, which is now in Bahawalpur Division. The battle for India was to come, and Shahabuddin had a much stronger foe to contend with, Prithvi Raj, the Raja of Ajmer and Delhi, and a great fighter. The first time they met, Prithvi Raj had the advantage. Shahabuddin was defeated at Tarain near Thanesar in south-east Punjab and although he fought with great valour, he was grievously wounded. The Ghauri soldiers fled. The Ghauri felt greatly ashamed and punished all those soldiers of his army who had turned their backs on the enemy.

In 1192 he came back with preparations and commanding a strong force. Prithvi Raj moved forward with his allies and a fierce battle ensued between the Hindus and the Muslims, but this time Shahabuddin was victorious. Prithvi Raj died in the battle. Raja Jaichand of Kannawj put up a good resistance but Shahabuddin defeated him. Raja died in the field.

"The Ghauri felt greatly ashamed and punished all those soldiers of his army who had turned their backs on the enemy".

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